Lunch at the wonderfully historic Waggon & Horses Pub in Marlborough then a visit to the Avebury Henge and Stone Circles (See previous post)

Waggon and Horses, Beckhampton, Marlborough, Wiltshire, England UK

Originally a 17th-century house, two storeys in stone with a thatched roof, is now the Waggon and Horses pub; additions in the late 19th century and early 20th are described as picturesque by Historic England.

Inside the Waggon and Horses

Field Gates on Pathway to Avebury Henge & Stone Circles, Avebury, Marlborough, Wiltshire, England UK

Pathway to Avebury Henge & Stone Circles, Avebury, Marlborough, Wiltshire, England UK

Old Shed, Pathway to Avebury Henge & Stone Circles, Avebury, Marlborough, Wiltshire, England UK

Raindrops, Avebury Henge & Stone Circles, Avebury, Marlborough, Wiltshire, England UK

Back Yard Garden GateYard Gate, Pathway to Avebury Henge & Stone Circles, Avebury, Marlborough, Wiltshire, England UK


Vienna 2017 Part I – Doors & Windows

A trip backwards to repost what was lost when changing hosts last year – Our holiday from 2017

(Remember – all photos will open in a separate window and all photos are geotagged)

Mondial Apartments Entrance, Pfluggasse, Vienna, Austria

This was where we stayed

Inside St. Stephen’s Cathedral, Domkirche Street, Stephansplatz, Vienna, Austria

Doorway, Goldschmiedgasse 4, Vienna, Austria

Neuwallsches Haus, Schulhof, Vienna, Austria c.1728

Grand Entrance, Josef Meinrad Platz, Vienna, Austria

Door, Burgtheater (Austrian National Theatre), Josef Meinrad Platz, Vienna, Austria

Doorway, Burgtheater, Universitätsring, Vienna, Austria

Window, Prasindentenkonferenz der Landwirtschaftskammer, Löwelstraße, Vienna, Austria

Haus-Löwelstraße, Löwelstraße 6, Vienna, Austria c.1566

Doorway, Police Inspectorate, Ballhausplatz, Vienna, Austria

Archway, Courtyard of Hofburg Palace, Vienna, Austria

Entrance to Palais Pallavicini, Josefplatz, Vienna, Austria

Door, Evangelischer Oberkirchenrat HB, Dorotheergasse, Viena, Austria

Door, Salvatorianer Kolleg St Michael Provinzialat, Habsburgergasse 12, Vienna, Austria

Habsburgergasse 12, Vienna, Austria

Entrance, Kohlmarkt 4, Vienna, Austria

Entrance, Kohlmarkt 16, Vienna, Austria

Doorway, Hofburg Palace, Vienna, Austria

Window, Hofburg Palace, Vienna, Austria

Palace Gate to Heldenplatz, In der Burg, The Hofburg, Vienna, Austria

Door, The Hofburg, Vienna, Austria

Antique Shop Window, Laneway, Habsburgergasse, Vienna, Austria

Doorway to Palais Equitable, Kärntner Straße, Vienna, Austria

Mondial Apartments Entrance, Pfluggasse, Vienna, Austria

Doorway, Schloß Schönbrunn, Schönbrunner Schloßstraße, Vienna, Austria

Doorway, Schloß Schönbrunn, Schönbrunner Schloßstraße, Vienna, Austria

Window, Schloß Schönbrunn, Schönbrunner Schloßstraße, Vienna, Austria

Kaiserliche Wagenburg, Schloß Schönbrunn, Schönbrunner Schloßstraße, Vienna, Austria

“Imperial Carriage Museum”

Doorway, Schloß Schönbrunn, Schönbrunner Schloßstraße, Vienna, Austria

External Gate, Schönbrunn Palace, Schönbrunner Schloßstraße 47, Vienna, Austria

Doorway, Julius Tandler Platz 9, Vienna, Austria

Colourful Doorway, Lampigasse 19, Leopoldstadt, Vienna, Austria

Café Restaurant Augarten Wall, Obere Augartenstraße, Leopoldstadt, Vienna, Austria

Bologna, Emilia-Romagna, Italy Part IV

It’s been a while since the last post so here’s the continuation of Bologna.

Rooftop View from the Dining Room of Hotel San Donato, Via Zamboni, Bologna

Basilica di San Petronio, Piazza Maggiore, Bologna

Construction began in 1390 and its main facade has remained unfinished since. The building was transferred from the city to the diocese in 1929; the basilica was finally consecrated in 1954.

Alfresco Area, L’Asporto, Via Guglielmo Oberdan, Bologna

Doorway, 2 Via San Nicolò, Bologna

Doorway, 15 Via Altabella, Bologna

Fontana del Nettuno (Fountain of Neptune), Piazza Pettuno, Bologna

The construction of the fountain was commissioned by the Cardinal Legate Charles Borromeo, to symbolize the fortunate recent election of Borromeo’s uncle as Pope Pius IV. To clear space for the fountain, an entire edifice had to be demolished.

The design and assembly of the fountain was completed by the Palermitan architect Tommaso Laureti in 1563. The fountain was completed in 1565. The over-life-size bronze figure of the god Neptune was completed and fixed in place around 1566.

Palazzo del Podestà, Piazza Maggiore, Bologna

Portico, Via Zamboni, Bologna

Reminders of the Past, Arcidiocese di Bologna, Via Altabella, Bologna

See this on Street View

Torre Prendiparte (also called Torre Coronata), Piazzetta Prendiparte, Via Sant’Alò, Bologna

This tower built in the 12th century and standing 61 metres tall, today has a slight incline to the north. The tower was part of the so-called triad of medieval skyscrapers together with those of the Galluzzi and the Azzoguidi . It was sold for the first time in 1293 for 500 lire.

Stone Carving, Via Rizzolo, Bologna

Pope Gregory XIII, Palazzo d’Accursio, Piazza Maggiore, Bologna

The current building is the result of the fusion of three palaces, with the oldest dating to the 12th century: the casa-torre (house-tower), well visible as it is the part of the building with the clock tower. Originally, this was the house of the jurist Accursio (hence the name given to the building, which is also known as Palazzo Comunale), an eminent professor of law at the Studium, the University of Bologna.

Accursio sold the palace to the city in 1287, and, in the 13th century, the building became known as Palazzo delle Biade because it was used as the municipal storage of grains.

In 1336, it became the seat of the Anziani (“Elders”), the highest magistrates of the city (Comune). Thirty years later, the papal legate – the representative of the pope in town – gave the building its fortified look, with walls, merlons and towers (perhaps because papal power had always been seen with suspicion by the Bolognesi).

In 1425, the building was further expanded to house the apartments of the Papal Legate.

L’Amor Patrio e il Valore Militare, Palazzo d’Accursio, Piazza Maggiore, Bologna

These bronze statues by Giuseppe Romagnoli “L’Amor Patrio e il Valore Militare” were returned to the facade of Palazzo d’Accursio after 75 years together with the plaque dedicated to King Umberto I. Originally placed in 1909 at the main entrance of the Palazzo d’Accursio, was removed and partially destroyed in 1943 by order of the Italian Social Republic, with the intention of erasing any memory of the ruling house.

Le due Torri: Garisenda e degli Asinelli, Bologna


The Tower was built between 1109 and 1119 by the family bearing the same name and was handed over to the Municipality as early as the following century. 498 internal steps lead to the top at a height of 97.02 metres.


Torre Garisenda, built at the same time, is different due to its shorter height of 47 metres. It is known for its steep overhang due to a subsidence of the land and the foundations, so much so that Dante featured it in Canto XXXI of the Inferno. It was lowered for fear of it collapsing during the 14th century.

Via Zamboni, Bologna, Emilia-Romagna, Italy

Torre degli Azzoguidi (also called Torre Altabella) , Via Altabella, Bologna

Built in the 12th century the tower is one of twenty “noble towers” that still exist in Bologna. It stands at 61 metres tall and is the second tallest in Bologna.

Vicolo Tubertini (Alley), Via Guglielmo Oberdan, Bologna

Gateway, L’Antico Ghetto Ebraico (Old Jewish Ghetto), Via Guglielmo Oberdan, Bologna

Gateway, Piazzetta Prendiparte, Bologna

Galleria Giovanni Acquademi, Via Rizzoli, Bologna

Doorway, Studio Notarile Demaio, Via Albiroli, 1, Bologna

Entrance, Torre degli Azzoguidi (also called Torre Altabella) , Via Altabella, Bologna

Entrance, Torre Guidozagni, Via Albiroli, Bologna

The Towers of Bologna – the story